職稱: 副教授
最高學歷: 國立成功大學電機工程研究所博士
學術專長: 半導體元件模擬、射頻電子電路、微機電元件設計
分機: 22358

Referred International Journal Papers
  1. Ting-Wei Kuo, Shi-Xiong Lin, Pin-Kun Hung, Kwok-Keung Chong, Chen-I Hung, and Mau-Phon Houng, Formation of Selective High Barrier Region by Inductively Coupled Plasma Treatment on GaN-Based Light-Emitting Diodes, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2010.11, vol.49 no.0, (SCI).
  2. Chien-Chun Wang, Han Ku, Chien-Chih Liu, Kwok-Keung Chong, Chen-I Hung, Yeong-Her Wang, and Mau-Phon Houng, 2007, Enhancement of the light output performance for GaN-based light-emitting diodes by bottom pillar structure,  Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 91, pp.121109, (DOI: 10.1063/1.2786015).
  3. Kwok-Keung Chong, Fenq-Lin Jenq, and Mau-Phon Houng, 2007, Role of Annealing in Constant Period of Voltage Stress on the Burn-in Effect Suppression of InGaP/GaAs Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 46, No. 3A, pp. 974-976.
  4. Fenq-Lin Jenq, Kwok-Keung Chong, Hsuan-Der Yen and Chien-Chih Liu 2009, Design of a Compact Dual-Mode Ring Resonator Bandpass Filter with Harmonic Suppression, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 32, No.5, pp.741-744. (SCI)
  5. Fenq-Lin Jenq, Kwok-Keung Chong and Liang-Qin Zeng 2009, Overcoupled Response Improvement with Miniaturizing of Rectangular Dual-Mode Filter by Slow-Wave Modified Resonator, Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol. 9, No.15, pp.2841-2846. (EI)
  6. Chien-Chih Liu, Shi-Xiong Lin, Chien-Chun Wang, Kwok-Keung Chong, Chen-I Hung, and Mau-Phon Houng 2009, Light Output Enhancement of AlGaInP Light Emitting Diodes with Nanopores of Anodic Alumina, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vo.48, No.5, pp. 0821021-0821023. (SCI)


Referred National Journal Papers
  1. Kwok-Keung Chong, 2006,微帶線梯形慢波濾波器的探討,電子期刊,Vol.11, No.11.


International Conference Papers
  1. Chih-Feng Yen,Min-Yen Yeh,Kwok-Keung Chong,Chun-Fa Hsu and Ming-Kwei Lee, InP MOS capacitor and E-mode n-channel FET with ALD Al2O3-based high-k dielectric, Applied Physics A: Materials Science Processing, 2016, vol.122 no.7, p.683-691.
National Conference Papers
  1. 廖耕億、莊國強、鄭奉臨、劉建志, 閉迴路諧振結合集總電容之窄頻帶拒濾波器(2010), 2010年民生電子研討會, 台南。
  2. 廖耕億、莊國強、鄭奉臨、劉建志, 微帶線緊湊螺旋諧振元件之高頻段低通濾波器(2010), 2010年民生電子研討會, 台南。
  3. 莊國強、廖耕億, 微帶線緊湊螺旋諧振元件之高頻段低通濾波器(2010), 第五屆微電子工程專題成果研討會, Kaohsiung。
  4. 廖耕億、莊國強、鄭奉臨、劉建志, 髮夾型諧振器結合T型結構之微帶線帶通濾波器(2010), 2010年民生電子研討會, 台南。
  5. 鄭奉臨、劉芳祥、吳世傑、劉建志、莊國強,2007,可調整頻寬比之微帶線帶通濾波器,2007 第五屆微電子技術發展與應用研討會,國立高雄海洋科技大學,pp.165。
  6. 莊明學、劉建志、鄭奉臨、莊國強, 2009,“雙頻平行耦合結構式帶通濾波器”, 第七屆通訊科技應用技術研討會, pp. 65-67(北台灣科學技術學院),三月二十日。
  7. 莊國強、林尊民、陳憲堂、陳博源、陳俊男, Arduino矩陣圖像顯示優化架構, 2018第十六屆微電子技術發展與應用研討會, 2018, 高雄。
  8. 莊國強、周志福、陳博源,高彈性光控編碼與動態開關協定架構, 2018第十六屆微電子技術發展與應用研討會, 2018, 高雄。




Technical Reports




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